Goodness, I have so much to share! I feel that I need more time so I can post all that has been happening. I would like to interact more with those of you that love being involved with social media.
So the first thing I'd like to share some of what all has taken place this summer. Our life was blessed by various camps for the entire month of June. Falls Creek being one of them. Falls Creek is a BGCO owned and operated summer youth camp located in the beautiful Arbuckle Mountains in Davis, OK. Each week they host over 6000 students and sponsors on the campgrounds. There are eight total weeks of youth camp at Falls Creek and each summer we host a total of upwards of 54,000 guests! Here is a link to see more information about this camp! You should check it out and consider it if you have never been and are looking for an experience to have with your students. ( ) Jared, my husband is a youth minister and I am an adult leader with our group. We rented a cabin and took an awesome group with us. It is also such a blessing to have the heart and support of our pastor, Gerald Biswell. He and his wife and other adults come with us and help a great deal and we are always so appreciative. My husband, our pastor, and I led the in-cabin worship. I also had the opportunity to lead a small group and got to know some of the girls on a deeper level. There were some late night tears shed as we experienced God’s healing touch and grew closer to Him. The girls were able to let some of their fear and hurt go as they cried and allowed God to forgive and restore their hearts. Life can be so hard as we all know!
The theme of Falls Creek was “Kindred,” which was a purposeful theme used to unite the students as a team and family. 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” It was very effective and brought a new perspective of unity. I truly feel this is a message that could impact a church and Christian culture in this world. Even within Christians there is unfortunately a judgement attitude at times. I have seen competitiveness and a fight of who is right who is wrong or closer to God. If we would focus on Jesus and the essentials of our faith then follow the great commissions much more can be done.
Our time at Falls Creek was cut one day short due to weather, but interestingly enough, all decisions had been made! People came to know Christ, re-dedicated their lives, and some surrendered to the ministry! It was an amazing time and the biggest group we've ever brought. We are so proud of the students and feel honored that we were able to lead them.
I designed our shirts! Below is a video of some of our time at camp that I put together. I will share about our other camp experiences in my next blog!
Rachel Jackson
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