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Heart, Salvations, Tulakogee, BWAM, Website, Merry Christmas!

Heart behind the music.....................
I love seeing people be set free from confusion and heartache.  God is so amazing!  When you feel you have no reason to smile he gives you unexplainable peace. I put my heart, life, and hope into my music.  I am inspired by the Word of God and a lot of the time it includes scripture in my songs. A simple tune will enter my head and then words just show up. I write songs down as they come and sometimes they come at the strangest times.  Not to often do I sit and decided I am going to write a song. I have a so many just sitting and waiting their turn to be heard. My heart behind the music is to reach people and influence them to seek truth and know Jesus Christ.  

Church ..................
Since We have been here at This Church we have seen 4 of our teens in the youth come out to stand and say they never truly were saved.  Conviction came upon them to surrender to God!  It has been overwhelming and amazing seeing the group grow spiritually.  Moving from "coming to socialize" to "coming to worship!!!!!" 

On Dec. 5th one of our teens that has been coming for months made a statement of faith to accept Christ as her savior!!!!  She had shared with me she didn’t know if she truly believed or not and never prayed!  Jared & I lead her in prayer and tears came to her eyes as she prayed out loud saying clearly that she believes, surrenders her life, is thankful, and asks for guidance in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It was amazing!!!!  I cried with her!  She then quickly said I want to be baptized! Sunday service in front of the whole church she will be real soon!!!  God had been working on her for some time. We had seen this clearly with her continuing questions and then also seeing her on her knees at the front on a Sunday night!  Please rejoice with us in her NEW walk and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord!

The night that she came to finally saying I want Jesus was the night on our community event with our youth.  It was called “Christmas Awakening” and was at Heritage Park.  This event was put together by the Sulphur Springs Youth Alliance that Jared is a part of.  I was honored by being asked to design the advertisement for this event!

Tulakogee Conference Center...............
Susan O’Dell director of Tulakogee Conference Center has invited Jared and me to lead this years event for Jun 24-27 of 2013!  Jared will be Camp Pastor and I will be leading the worship!  We are so exited to be a part of this. And will share more when the time is closer.

BWAM contacted me and personal invited me to be a part of their showcase in Nashville to sing in front of big name labels in the Industry. Such as Forefont Records, Sparrow Records, and Word Records to name a few.  
I was so honored to be considered for this.  I would have jumped on it but to be honest because I still do not have a full band together so I am not ready. This could turn into tours that will take me away from me family months at a time.  At this time in our lives our kids are so young it just would not work well.  Maybe in the future we will see about this idea and see what kind of changes it would make to our lifestyle.  Right now I have decided to continue to pursue local gigs, churches and camps.  

I am working on a new website look and layout for  Need to add a link to this blog!  Although I don’t have it on my website I am seeing the same traffic and that is exciting.  I love seeing the other countries!  My heart is to reach the Nations and all around me.  Here is the list just within 45 days!

United States
South Korea
Great Britain
European country
Russian Federation
Czech Republic

These are not just hitting my page once but revisiting again and again. I am so amazing how God is using this. I receive private messages from people and chat on facebook with some of them. I am so thankful for my overseas friends and pray for them much!

Merry Christmas.....................
I love this time of year!  All the parties and fun things to go see and do with family and friends.  Please enjoy your Christmas and make each moment a memory. Take time to show love and compassion to others and not get caught up in the busyness of everything. When I look at my calendar sometimes I feel a little over scheduled.  I then think I would rather have that then nothing at all.  How many will have no one to be with at Christmas????  Christmas time is known as one of the best expressions of love in the year but also known as a time that people get the holiday blues and suicide comes to mind.  Each life matters and it is heart breaking!!!!!!  Take time for people.  The gifts don't matter that much.  The party doesn't have to be prefect.  The appearance of you, your house, your decorations really don't matter to anyone.  Good quality time, laughter, sharing, and love is what is remembered.  

Merry Christmas Everyone! God Bless you and your family!

Rachel Jackson


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