I am going to introduce myself just for those who don’t know me. Hi my name is Rachel Jackson and I am a singer/songwriter and speaker. I write music inspired by the Word of God. I share my life experiences and how I overcame to bring healing to the broken. I strongly believe in being real and honest with God, others, and yourself. It is good to know who you are and not wear a mask. Be who God has called YOU to be. I love to promote camps because they promote Jesus and I have seen so many lives changed through them. We sent our son to Green Country Camp this year with our church. Green Country Camp ( http://www.greencountrycamp.com/ ) is located in Disney, Oklahoma and it is the camp that our Association supports for children's camp and youth camps. He had an amazing time and we could see growth in him and a passion to have a deeper relationship with Jesus when he returned home. We were so honored to be asked by John Parker (Cam...