With all the troubles in this world some need a little help. We were never met to do this life on our own anyways. Sometimes it can just be that you feel stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts or behaviors. It is likely that you are being affected by experiences from your past. Any experiences that continues to exert a negative influence is traumatic. Not all traumatic events are horrifying or tragic. Sometimes traumatic experiences are remembered, but often they are repressed or forgotten. I would like to introduced you to Guy Earle. Guy Earle is a certified counselor in Rapid Resolution Therapy. He is also author of “Transformed Through His Thoughts.” and “Purpose is a Decision, Discover, Develop, and Disseminate the riches within you”. Guy is the director of Counseling for Dr. Tony Evans at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship ( http://www.ocbfchurch.org /). Guy is a speaker, trainer, author, and life coach. ...