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Showing posts from September, 2014

Be Real. Be Honest

Something I believe in is talking candidly and honestly without fear of what others might think.  It should be for another's benefit to let them know of something that is usually hard to discuss. It is good to express sincere thoughts and opinions that are intended to be helpful. The two are not necessarily always inclusive but it is good to actually mean what you are saying and learn from each other.  Real talk is about things that are meaningful which is the opposite of what seems to be on Facebook.    There is something funny about honesty.  We often wrongly assign honesty to one we admire, but sadly, honesty is a characteristic not inherent or natural in humanity. To be truly and completely honest with someone, one must first be truly and completely honest with oneself. A lot of times we are incapable of seeing past our own fears, desires, prejudices, convictions, emotional attachments, memories, and flawed perceptions. It is hard viewing things witho...